Before I began my Ph.D. program at Annenberg, I worked in science and multimedia journalism for four years. I was part of news organizations like National Geographic (China),, The Why Files, and Madison Commons. I received the Madison Commons Scholarship for my coverage of science and environmental issues in Madison, Wisconsin. I also worked as a videographer at UW Hospital & Clinics, where I documented their art healing program.

Outside of my academic and teaching roles, I have a keen interest in photography. My photographic works have received recognition in several international awards, including the Smithsonian Photo Contest, American Aperture Awards, and iPhone Photography Awards. I recently published a book on mobile photography in Chinese and run an Instagram account with 24 thousand followers.

Advisories on eating fish from local lakes may not be reaching all
Road salt lingers in Madison’s watersheds and drinking water

Art healing program at UW Hospital & Clinics: 1, 2

The beautiful iPhone photography of Yilang Peng
Instagram: lithium42
Book: Introduction to mobile photography (in Chinese)

Science writing (in Chinese)
Geology, psychology, and communication